Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Franken's sharp tongue emerges in Senate (& Herman Cain)

Al Franken, the Democrat from Minnesota who won election to the Senate after a successful career as a comic and author, has begun to show the sharp-tongued side of his personality by ripping into GOP staffers behind the scenes.

Read more:

Heard a bit from Georgia's Herman Cain yesterday on the radio regarding Democrat "SIN". Demtactics: Shift, Ignore, call the opponent Names...

Love Herman, think he is so spot on with how he handles the left. Deeply intelligent, strongly conservative, sharper than a tack. He has the ability to put into words things that have been milling around in my brain and do it in a way that makes me want to shout "Ah ha, that's it!!!".

When I popped into my email this morning and saw the bit above from Al Franken, my first thought was that he's the master of SIN with the emphasis on the "N". He's a nasty, foul mouthed man and it was a sad day for this country when he scraped by to get to D.C. If his true nature continues to show I'm hoping his constituents wise up, get serious, and boot his butt out in the next election.

Here's Herman's article on SIN that I just located:

On a side note about Herman... I got a big kick out of his choice to be positive yesterday! Someone had tasked him, I gather, on a previous show to be positive. He took 'em up on it and was POSITIVE that the health care bill, cap & trade, etc., etc. was going to destroy the country, etc., etc., etc. He was POSITIVE about a whole lotta things along those lines. Love it.

He's on WSB Radio in Atlanta, Georgia. Usually on at 7 p.m. and sometimes as a sub during the Neal Boortz show. If you get a chance to listen, please do. If you can't, go check out his web site and become one of his Intelligent Thinkers...

The "official" blurb:
(Herman Cain is currently a radio talk-show host. "The Herman Cain Show," News Talk 750 WSB-Atlanta, airs Monday-Friday, 7 p.m.-10 p.m. EST (listen LIVE online). He is a former corporate executive and CEO, and still serves on the board of directors of three corporations that range in size from 4 to 16 billion dollars in annual revenue. His latest book, "They Think You're Stupid," was inspired following his 2004 run for the U.S. Senate as a Republican in Georgia. You can also hear and see "The Best of Herman Cain" anytime.)

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